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burgbad has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2015

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In 2016, burgbad became the world’s first climate
bathroom furniture manufacturer
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More and more people are paying attention to sustainabilitywhen making their purchase decisions

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EcoVadis Bronze Medal: a sign of sustainability and commitment
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The “Golden M” has been signalling the high and sustainable quality of burgbad’s furniture
for 30 years
Logo Goldenes M
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2020: With the Blue Angel ecolabel for Eqio, burgbad underlines that sustainability and cost-conscious production are compatible with one another

Setting a sustainable example.

burgbad is a world-leading manufacturer of bathroom furniture in the high-end segment. In view of this position, we believe we have a special responsibility for people, nature and the climate.

In 2016, burgbad became the world’s first climate-neutral bathroom furniture manufacturer.

As a climate-neutral manufacturer, we are working constantly to further reduce greenhouse gases.
Remaining emissions are offset via projects that support climate protection and sustainable development in emerging and developing countries.

See: Electricity from crop waste.
Proven quality
Made to last, approved quality and sustainable design. Since 1992, the “Golden M” of the German Quality Assurance Association for Furniture (DGM) has stood for quality-tested bathroom furniture from burgbad that can be enjoyed for years.

The DGM’s test criteria are based on strict quality, environmental and emissions standards.

A symbol of sustainable bathroom furniture from burgbad for 30 years.

Major sustainability rating
burgbad has been awarded the bronze medal by EcoVadis. We are among the top 20% of the companies assessed, outperforming 80% of all participants. This award is proof of our ongoing commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. This ranking not only emphasises our performance to date, but also our clear goal of continuously improving our sustainability performance.

EcoVadis Bronze Medal:
A sign of sustainability and commitment.

Current sustainability report
Our sustainability report provides detailed insights into our activities. The current report for 2021-2023 meets the internationally recognised GRI standard.

Previous reports can be downloaded here
Report 2018-2020 | Report 2016/2017 | Report 2014/2015

Report 2021-2023 
Sustainable alliances
burgbad sustainability

Joining forces for more sustainability

Since 2014, we have established a complex sustainability management structure and joined national and international alliances that require and encourage the development of our sustainable activities.
burgbad has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) since 2015. This pact is the world’s biggest initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance. It pursues the vision of a sustainable global economy for the benefit of all people.
The German Quality Assurance Association for Furniture (DGM) supports the UN goal of limiting global warming as a result of the greenhouse effect to 1.5 degrees Celsius. burgbad has been a member of the DGM climate pact ever since it was initiated by and for the furniture industry in 2016.
The Development and Climate Alliance is an initiative by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Its goal is to link climate protection with the promotion of economic and social development in emerging and developing countries. We support that goal by selecting offset projects that have positive side effects for such countries.
B.A.U.M. e.V. is a network committed to securing a liveable future through sustainable business practices. The mutual exchange of experiences between companies from different sectors serves to promote the advancement of efficient sustainability strategies. burgbad has been a member of the network since January 2022.
A strong foundation

10 principles.
6 concrete goals.

While the 10 principles of the UNGC form the basis of our sustainability management, our actions are guided by six concrete Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

- Good health and well-being

- Climate action

- Responsible consumption and production

- Conservation / Life on land

- Decent work and economic growth

- Quality education

Lasting confidence

Verifiably sustainable

burgbad subjects its products and production to strict inspections by external test institutes. The certificates are nationally and in some cases internationally recognised and are a source of lasting confidence for customers and retailers alike.

But that’s not all: when it comes to sustainability, burgbad sets an example with local and regional initiatives as well.

See the following overview for further details.

Quality and durability

Certified quality.

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The “Golden M” of the German Quality Assurance Association for Furniture (DGM) has been giving burgbad’s customers the peace of mind that comes with certified quality since 1992. Our products automatically come with a five-year guarantee. | SDGs: [3] [12]

PEFC certificate

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All our furniture is PEFC-certified. That means only wood sourced from sustainably managed forests is used in its production. | SDGs: [15]

Emissions rating.

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Green is tops: burgbad’s entire furniture range has been awarded a Class A emissions rating. The colour scale for the emission classes of the German Quality Assurance Association for Furniture (DGM) is an important guide when buying bathroom furniture: it ensures the products’ compatibility with a healthy indoor environment. This involves regular external testing for various harmful substances, including e.g. formaldehyde. | SDGs: [3] [12]

Sustainable production, sustainable consumption

The Blue Angle

The Blue Angle

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With the “Blue Angel” for Eqio (from our sys10 line) in 2020, we proved that cost-conscious production and sustainability are by no means mutually exclusive (valid for D). | SDGs: [3] [12]
Furniture Made in Germany.

Furniture Made in Germany.

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Since 2020, we have geared all the furniture ranges produced in Schmallenberg and Greding towards the “Furniture Made in Germany” label - because we believe that reliable and transparent supply chains are an important aspect of sustainability as well. | SDGs: [11]

CEOs take a stand – recycled paper initiative

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Since 2015, we have continuously reduced the amount of paper we use. In Germany we only use recycled paper with the Blue Angel ecolabel for our office communications and business correspondence. | SDGs: [15]

Climate protection

German Quality Assurance Association for Furniture

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Climate-neutral furniture manufacturer.
In 2016, burgbad became the world’s first climate-neutral bathroom furniture manufacturer. Right from the start, however, our main goal was to reduce carbon emissions. That is evident from the fact that the offsets required to compensate for the remaining carbon emissions have been decreasing ever since. | SDGs: [13]



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Practising sustainability – in projects big and small
The many projects burgbad is involved with include a collaboration with local beekeepers to protect the region’s bees
To celebrate the company’s 75th anniversary, staff teamed up with the experts to plant broadleaf saplings in a forest near the Schmallenberg site. | SDGs: [15]

Social responsibility

A family-friendly company.

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burgbad cultivates a family-aware corporate culture: we strive to create an environment with good working conditions for a healthy and satisfied workforce.
We want work to be compatible with family life – and since 2015, this certificate has been confirming that it is (valid for the Bad Fredeburg site). | SDGs: [8]